The much-awaited Jet Zero strategy has finally been published. It’s been a long time in the making and the aviation industry has been in anticipation awaiting its release.
The strategy sets out the government’s legislative framework for cutting carbon emissions, with a UK target of carbon-free aviation by 2040, for commercial and freight flights, domestic and international by 2050. This may seem a long way off, but it takes time to replace the current systems and infrastructure.
In this transitional period of Jet Zero, it’s expected there will be an increased push to develop emission-free flights, with the emphasis on new carbon-free technology. This is where Aviramp is one step ahead of other companies in the GSE sector and is already fulfilling the Jet Zero brief, through the introduction of patented, zero carbon ground support equipment.
Solar Powered Boarding Ramps and Bridges
As a leading developer of ground support equipment, we are always ahead of the game when it comes to new technology. As the aviation industry is moving towards a more sustainable greener future, Aviramp solar powered boarding ramps and bridges are already proving popular with customers. Launched in 2020 they fulfill the Jet Zero decarbonisation strategy, while still providing the full functionality of our existing products. We envisage demand will continue to grow, as the aviation sector works toward the targets set out in the strategy.
Aviramp’s Commitment to Decarbonising Aviation
Aviramp is no stranger to pushing boundaries and has a known reputation for creating innovative ground support designs. The implementation of the Jet Zero strategy brings with it new challenges which we will fully embrace. Our dedicated approach to greener ground support equipment has put us far ahead of the curve when it comes to carbon-free developments. With our contribution to the Jet Zero strategy being laid out by CEO Graham Corfield, the emphasis will be on solar power including:
Solar Powered options for all Aviramp models
Solar Conversion Kits available for existing Aviramp models
If you would like to know more about our solar powered boarding ramps and bridges, please contact us here.